Watch children in the pool: safety and respect

We do not get tired of repeating it, but news is repeated every year about accidents in swimming pools and, although there are inevitable misfortunes, many others could be prevented. Thus it is important to watch the children in the pool or on the beach, but not only for safety, but also for respect for others.

This reflection is motivated by what I was able to observe a few days ago in the hotel pool, and that surprised me a lot. I understand that in a community pool the lifeguard can give you some peace of mind, you know it's there, but a single person has no eyes for so much a child in the pool.

Despite this, you could see some small children alone in the pool (I was especially struck by one who would not reach two years), some parents away in the hammocks and unable to see them, others who were not or at least not " they manifested ”when it would have been necessary…

And we are not talking about just a matter of security: children's behavior can annoy others or be dangerous (as in so many other environments, such as the park). Balls, water jets in the face, overwhelm the little ones ... are some examples that we could live or observe, without any parent intervening.

And since the kids simply play, I think it should be the parents who are there to get their attention and explain what cannot be done. In this way the lifeguard's whistle would work less and bathers would enjoy it more. Also parents who want to enjoy the bath near their children would be more comfortable, calm, and would not have to pay attention (and call attention) to others who are not their children.

How is the ideal pool

The pool is a place of fun and learning, but so that it does not become a dangerous place or a “battlefield” where the older adults take over the space, you have to be next to them and warn them of what can and cannot be done.

In this sense it is very good that in the communal swimming pools (in most of the private ones as it is logical there are not so many possibilities) there are several bathing areas, small swimming pools for babies, medium ones for children and large ones for the elderly. Hopefully in these cases "measures" will also be respected, the characteristics of each swimming pool would make the bath not recommended for people who are not destined.

That of babies, a shallow pool in which they can “stand up” supported by the parents or next to them with float and sleeves… In addition, small water toys are accepted. That of the children somewhat deeper but where they also stand and there are elements with which they can have fun, slides, stairs ... always with caution and water accessories such as balls, water pipes ... are accepted, provided they are well used.

I take this opportunity to dissent from an increasingly frequent measure in community swimming pools (in those of hotels and complexes the prohibition has not yet been extended), which is the prohibition of all kinds of toys in the pool. Nor does it seem logical to me that, being elements prepared for water and that do not involve risks (and that are used by children under parental supervision), all toys in the pool are prohibited.

Anyway, all this idyllic "specialization" in separate areas and in non-dangerous toys would not take away so that parents remain aware of the little ones. And, in any case, better talk about the pool with children before. It is never too early to teach them, so the next time we go to the pool it will be all easier and more fun.

We don't want to be constrained in the pool, or just float like water lilies so as not to splash. We want to have fun, exercise, learn to swim, dive, play, jump on the slide, throw the ball ... but without disturbing or putting ourselves or others at risk.

For all these reasons, in our security councils we highlighted this point: surveillance of children must be continuous in the pool. A second can be crucial when it comes to warning, removing them from water or disturbing or damaging others in the water.

Photos | Eva Paris in Babies and more and BuzzFarmers on Flickr-CC
In Babies and more | The dangers of inflatable swimming pools, Preventing children's drowning, Enjoy with the baby in the pool

Video: Top 3 Swimming Pool Tips For Babies In English. Pool child safety. First Swimming How & When ? (July 2024).