Set a fresh table in summer with seasonal fruits and vegetables

Now that we are entering the hottest part of the summer, it is time to bring the freshest and healthiest foods to our table. My advice: set a fresh table with seasonal fruits and vegetables.

The vitamins, water and energy of these fresh foods are essential to cope with the rigors of heat and keep us healthy and active, us and our children. Within our Special Infant Feeding for Babies and more we will take care today to offer you tips and suggestions to put a fresh and summery table, full of fruits and vegetables With many different and appetizing preparations.

Fruits of all colors

In summer many fruits are in season and also, with a good price. It is the natural moment of consumption of fresh fruits of all colors.

Although we can now find fruits of all kinds in the markets almost all year round, the ideal is to consume them in their time and, preferably, from nearby producers. Melon, watermelon, peach, apricots are delicious and cheap. You have to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables daily.

In fact, when large-scale food production and distribution was not such a powerful industry it was normal to eat only season's fruit, more mature and freshly caught. If we go back to our Paleolithic ancestors, who consumed only collected fruits, it is logical to think that they would only consume what was produced naturally and the highest consumption rates would be in summer and spring, although some fruits also ripen in the beginning of autumn.

Although now we have the advantage of being able to consume a food as healthy and necessary as the fruit all year long if we buy summer fruits produced close to home we will ensure its freshness and that they retain their flavor and nutritional qualities.

The custom of consuming the dessert fruit is optional. Not all people feel like or feel good to eat fruit after meals, and for them and, in reality, for anyone and more with the heat it makes, we can present the time to eat fruit at any time.

I suggest a breakfast with a plate of freshly peeled and sliced ​​assorted fruits. A fresh salad in the meal that includes some kind of fruit among its components or a gazpacho or cold soup to which we add watermelon. The snack can be fruit skewers or ice cream made with fresh fruit. And at dinner, delicious melon with ham and sorbets.

Smoothies, juices and fruit ice cream

Do not just consume the whole fruit. Fruit drinks They are a refreshing and very healthy option, especially if we are going to include the pulp. Children will love presented in milkshakes with milk, yogurt or ice cream and also, we can simply pass them through the blender or blender by mixing several of them to vary.

Another delicious preparation are the ice cream made with natural fruits, alone or mixed with milk, cream or yogurt. With them we get the children to fulfill their appetite for sweet ice cream but we offer them foods without fats or preservatives, extremely fresh and full of vitamins.

When you come from the beach or have been exercising or playing in the hot afternoon nothing more delicious to hydrate than a smoothie or fruit sorbet which makes them recover liquids, minerals and vitamins to continue enjoying the holidays.

Some of our suggestions are strawberry lemonade, peach and mango popsicles with yogurt or frozen chocolate-covered fruit lollipops.

These fresh recipes from summer fruits They also have the advantage of allowing children, in the kitchen, to incorporate an activity that whets their appetite, makes them interested in food and also has many advantages from the point of view of their education.

Fresh vegetables for summer

Fresh, raw vegetables are ideal for summer consumption., either in the form of salads, gazpachos or as crudités accompanied by some nutritious sauce.

Actually throughout the year we should incorporate a raw vegetable salad in all meals, but prioritizing them in summer allows you to prepare very varied, colorful and nutritious dishes.

In addition, fresh recipes for children in summer with raw vegetables are easy to prepare and cheap, being able to incorporate in addition to vegetables, proteins (tuna, egg, cooked chicken or cooked ham) and hydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes).

Another good habit, especially in summer, is to offer children snacks of raw vegetables such as cucumber and carrot sticks or simply crispy lettuce leaves.

Video: How to Make a Fruit Platter. Best Fruit Platter Video #desert #fruit (July 2024).