Moderate and non-binding exercise improves the physical and mental health of children

Many of us remember that the obligation to carry out a sport or exercise that we did not like left us with a bad taste and sometimes it even took away our desire to do any other sport. It is important for your health that children do exercise not required but as a game, fun, hobby.

Moderate and "not forced" exercise is best suited to perform during childhood to avoid illnesses according to experts, who bet on walking, walking, cycling and playing to keep fit and have fun.

Each child can perform a physical exercise appropriate to your age, going from the games of the little ones to a possible exercise in physical education, at school, or an extracurricular sport… The important thing is that the little ones enjoy what they do, because in addition to the physical benefits they increase their self-esteem and safety in itself. Children who play sports get less depressed, they are happier.

On the other hand, experts point out that the practice of forced physical exercise can be counterproductive, forcing them into a sport that does not satisfy them, demanding them too much in their performance ...

If we teach you some since childhood healthy lifestyle habits, like the one of the practice of physical activity, together with an indispensable balanced diet, we will be contributing to be children and later healthy and happy adults.

Practice family exercise, evenings or weekends, ask them what sport they would like to practice, offer them and try several options, wait for the fans to consolidate to buy them the equipment ... are some tips for get the child to practice exercise with pleasure and that this results in multiple benefits for physical and mental health.

Video: Can Exercise Treat Depression? (July 2024).