Shocking photo of the skull of a child whose first definitive teeth were coming out

A little over two weeks ago Lola showed us some impressive photos of the teething process in children of two, five and eight years. In them you could see how under the teeth of milk the final teeth were formed and how, as time went by, some were replacing the others.

These days a front image is running on the internet, which you can see next, which I think is impressive, especially since having removed part of the bones of the face and jaw we can see inside a tangle of teeth waiting to come out and two that were already dating (two of the lower incisors).

Looking at the image you may think that babies are already born with all the teeth, those of milk and the definitive ones, inside their skull. The truth is that it is not so because so many teeth would not fit there waiting (the definitive ones are quite large in relation to the size of a baby) and because the one in the picture is not a baby, but a child of about six years, since we observe that some teeth had fallen out and that the first definitive ones were coming out.

Those who if they are formed before birth they are milk, which are already prepared before going out into the world and that from that moment will only suffer small variations. At that moment (at birth) the final teeth will begin to form, under the primary or milk, to wait for the day to arrive, around five or six years, when they must appear to stay, if all goes well, all life.

I hope you liked the image as much as I did, that I have spent several minutes looking at it and reviewing it and that it has not given you much impression. I have thought about putting it before “Read more” because this is what we are after all and the intention is to show a process for many unknown, but just in case someone preferred to save the image I have left it hidden, only for their eyes .

Video: Ancient Aliens: Elongated Skull's Origins Season 12, Episode 6. History (July 2024).