Learning together the 11th month: let's eat with the family! (Without it being a combat dunk)

Months go by, at 10 months we were worried about how to solve your security problems with their new reach, which is presented to you thanks to the crawling. The little one only needs 1 month to turn the year! battle with food! How should you eat? Alone with help? Mashed, mashed?

A new world

Oh how it grows. His personality is showing, his tastes too and habits already achieved successfully, now have to change. The baby is becoming less baby and becoming a child with the passing of days, even minutes. It is time to sit (at your highchair) at the table with us. Those moments of silence and solitude are ending, in your single company, in which the chest was their source of food and tranquility. It's time to be one of the family!

The little one at this age already has a developed ability to coordinate hands and mouth and it's time to experiment with the pleasures of gastronomy, even in small doses. The time of teething is not the same science for all the little ones, so some will have teeth, others more others but what they can all do is take food to their mouths without choking: bite her, play with her in the mouth and finally swallow her.

Security before everything

What to do before this new step of the small, giant for him and for us? The pieces must already be present in the feeding of the children to avoid getting accustomed to the texture "porridge" and then reject the food and this entails a series of precautions and tips:

-Imitation is their way of learning and their parents are the most powerful beings on earth. Let him eat with you and see you use the fork, chew or eat bread will be the best way you want to do the same. That the little one is in a high chair will facilitate the process and for him it will be the most fun (and easy).

  • They can already eat chopped foods, less chopped and granules. His gums and tongue are the perfect "instrument" for such a need.

-When you give him any food, take the opportunity to show his name, the utensils you use or the water you are going to drink.

- Slowly feed him to drink he alone a spoonful or to have a glass with both hands and be patient if the little one spills it, that will do it, everything!

- Do not force him if he does not want to eat more, this will make him associate the moment of the meal with an unpleasant and forced moment.

-In the snack, between hours, give him in hand pieces of bread, fruit or a cookie so that he himself is experiencing the pleasure of learning to bite, taste and do it for yourself. He will love it.

  • It will not be necessary for you, your little one learns faster than a runway, but just in case you cut food or crush it with a fork and supervise it, it is not always enough, keep in mind the Heimlich maneuver for babies.

In Happy Space | It's time to eat: everyone at the table including the little one