Women with bipolar disorder and pregnancy complications

Researchers from the University of Uppsala and the Karolinska Institutet of Sweden have published in the medical journal BMJ a work in which they have deepened in Pregnancy complications of women with bipolar disorder To try to determine in which cases it is necessary to use medication during pregnancy and in which the risks are greater than the benefits.

They analyzed data from different national health registries and compared the histories of women with bipolar disorder treated with medications, of women with this disorder who did not receive pharmacological treatment and general data. They took into account the adjustment of factors such as tobacco, overweight or alcohol and toxic use, although it seems that these added risks were more frequent in women with bipolar disorder.

Some of the medications used to treat bipolar disorder They can have certain adverse effects in pregnancy and increase the chances of malformations. But, on the other hand, low weight according to gestational age and lower cranial perimeter are associated with untreated disorder.

Although, at the end of the study, it has not been possible to conclude large differences in these parameters and in others such as the need for caesarean section or premature delivery depending on the use or not of medication for bipolar disorder.

At the end of the study the conclusion is open. It is not a debate between trying or not trying, but to value the risks in the pregnancies of women with bipolar disorder and inform the patient, offering her the support she needs to help her integration.

Video: Bipolar disorder strongly linked to pregnancy and birth complications (May 2024).