If you have questions about the readings to choose for your children, these tips can help you

I have found in Leer.es a document by Gemma Lluch (professor at the University of Valencia) that tells us about 'how to succeed in the selection of books for our children'.

He tells us that by choosing a reading we must think of children (not us) when it is for themHe talks about what some literary genres contribute and gives us clues about the age at which children can start reading.

This is a very interesting article that contains links to others published in Leer.es, so it is the most complete.

What book to choose?

We must think about what our son or daughter may like as a reader: they are not us. It is the children who will read and also seek to enjoy reading (like adults), reason for more to adapt to their preferences.

I have to confess that although I always let them choose, I also select some children's readings that I like for them, however I never impose them to read, but I read them (if they let me) I

On the other hand it is useful to have information about the stories (characters, narrative rhythm, etc.), for this we can read cover and back cover, index, first and last page.

Would you want poetry? theater? or knowledge books?

A book of poems should: move, evoke sensations, arouse imagination, amaze, have fun. For the little ones, poems linked to orality are appropriate, which invite body play and recitation.

The theater also has a book form, if this is for children it must have clear dialogues and scenes that mark the evolution.

And for those kids who don't want adventures, terror or narrative, you can find dozens of themes that will enliven their interest and help them discover if they like insects, the Universe, History or the mineral kingdom.

How to succeed with picture books, graphic narratives or comics?

To select a book with images, try to make them attractive, to convey sensations and feelings; Note that they are in tune or that they create contrast with the text. It is important that they create vital spaces and not mere decorations and that they give life to the characters by differentiating them and filling them with spark

There are comics for all ages, but always the image and the text must 'say' something to the reader, typography can give good information.

Books are no longer just paper

And using technology to read will help children teach us what they know. Is better choose pages that have the backing of an institution.

Readings for all ages

The first readings of babies are the voice of their parents, from six months You can choose flashy and short books to retain your attention, to tell stories through the images.

And as for the editorial recommendations on 'the recommended age', the tips on the age of the reader that appear in the books are that, tips.

The important thing is what your son or daughter likes: it does not matter if the book is recommended for someone older or younger. The reader's taste is more important than the advice of the publisher

I can attest to this, and I also know that children who read a lot and have a good reading habit usually move up easily.

If you want to choose books as a Christmas gift for your children, these tips may be helpful, as will be the time needed to make a good selection.

Video: Exam skills: 6 tips to help you with reading exams (May 2024).