A whole day is recorded to respond to those who believe that mothers who stay at home do nothing

There are many people who think that mothers who stay at home are fortunate and "do nothing", as if taking care of their children would be comparable to a vacation due to not going out to work outside the home.

This is what happened to the influencer and twin mother Maya Vordestrasse, to whom we have already introduced you. A woman told him that mothers who stay at home do nothing, to what she He decided to respond by recording a video of everything he does during the day.

The day of a mother who stays at home

Along with the publication, Maya sends a message to the woman, who also demonstrates having a fairly retrograde view of the father's role:

"Today I am going to educate the woman who had the courage to tell me that I do nothing all day because I am a mother who stays at home, and poor my husband who comes home very tired of his real work and still has to HELP WITH CHILDREN. So here you go, a look at what a mom does who stays at home all day and trusts me, it was an easy day. "

Today Im going to educate the woman that had the courage to tell me that I dont do anything all day because Im a stay-at-home mother and my husband is a poor man because he gets home very tired from real work and still has to help parent MY kids. So here you go, a glimpse into what a stay at home mom does throughout the day and trust me, it was an easy day. I take care of my kids, I cook, I clean, I pick up toys, I run errands, I play with them, I do laundry, I pick up more toys, I cook some more, I teach, I comfort them, I pick up more toys, I organize, I assist, I change diapers, I mother. If you are a stay at home mother and you dont feel seen, you are seen. You are appreciated. The work you do at home matters and so do you. My husband does not assist me, I have PARENTS. Every family makes the best decisions for their own. Working moms who love their careers and chose to keep working, women who have no option but to work, stay at home moms, part-time job moms, dads who stay at home, strong single mothers, whatever it is that you have to do to make your family work do it. Do not ever allow anyone judge you or shame you for doing what is right for you. Just fill that house up with LOVE and dedication, that is ALL that matters… Good Mother T-shirt gifted by my friend Sarah from @themomculture

In Babies and more Yes, I am fortunate to be a mother who stays at home, but that does not mean it is easy

There are many scenes with which you will surely feel identified. Pee while you brush your teeth, pick up toys, cries, prepare food, help them take a nap (and please don't wake up soon), do whatever it takes to entertain them for a while ... Pick up again.

And those who also work outside the home?

It is by no means a comparison. With the video does not mean that the day of a mother who works outside the home is easy. Being a mother is not easy, neither for those who stay at home nor for those who go to work outside. It is not a competition for who is tougher. Like everything, each situation has its advantages and disadvantages.

For those (or those - there are also parents -) who stay at home it is hard to be in the care of one, two or more young children who need our attention 24 hours a day. He is lonely, tired and ungrateful. Those who work in an office or away from home, when they return (exhausted and stressed), also have to take care of the house and children in a short time. Many times feeling guilty for not being able to spend more time with them.

All mothers, both those who stay at home and those who work outside, each with what they have decided or what their possibilities allow, do A great effort to make their families happy.

This is explained by Maya in her post:

"We raise children, work non-stop at home, cook, clean, run errands, some work from home, others go to work and return home to continue doing all that. It can be so isolated, frustrating, exhausting, but still that is how wonderful it is to be present in every moment of our children's lives. We are all trying our best to make our families happy. "

In Babies and more Nine mothers who are happy to have quit their jobs and stay home with their children

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