The healthy values ​​of fish consumption among Madrid schoolchildren will be announced

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) organizes, between December 10 and 14, "Fish Week", an initiative that seeks to promote the consumption of this product.

These types of activities are very necessary and can help raise awareness in the general population, and especially the younger ones. And is that it seems that our children's diet does not contain enough fishIn fact, not long ago we commented that (according to an Eroski Consumer survey), Spanish children who consume the recommended rations of fish represent only 35% of the sample. Among the initiatives of “Fish Week” is a formative exhibition in the Skylight of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Paseo Infanta Isabel, 1). In the morning, around 500 schoolchildren will learn about fishery products, understand their habitat and appreciate their consumption, through four thematic corners, which will be explained by expert monitors.

Fish is a food included in the Mediterranean Diet that represents a lifestyle and a varied, balanced and healthy eating model

Do you want to know what Fish Week is?

Formation activities

There will be a training exhibition located in the MAGRAMA, it will be composed of four thematic corners (boats and fishing gear, aquaculture, fish and fish). Schoolchildren will visit the show in the morning, and after the tour they will have breakfast in a recreated space as if it were the bottom of the sea, tasting mini sandwiches with tuna and sardines, juice and milk. Finally, young people will see the movie "The Wish Fish" about a child who does not like fish.

The exhibition will be open to the general public from 16 to 18.30, and many other parallel events will take place such as video projections, workshops or tastings.

As a complement to achieve the dissemination of this campaign at the national level, they will be developed educational workshops in educational centers of the Autonomous Communities of Madrid, Canary Islands, Murcia, Extremadura, Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Asturias, Navarra, Valencia and the Balearic Islands.

Tastings in markets and visits to Mercamadrid

On the other hand, tastings will be organized in several municipal markets of fish stew, cooked with emperor fish, squid, sea bass, small clam and mussel meat. Citizens will also receive information on the importance of eating fish for a healthy diet.

They will also take place Guided visits of those responsible for school canteens in the Community of Madrid to Mercamadrid. There you will be able to know first-hand the process of traceability of fishery products and how the most important market for fresh produce in the capital works.

Why this interest in promoting fish consumption?

The nutrient composition makes it a very complete food that provides proteins, fats, vitamins and mineral salts. The contribution of minerals (iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, and even calcium) make it an irreplaceable element of the diet. Also in the blue fish are omega 3 series fatty acids.

On the other hand, we already know that it does not have much acceptance among some children, however we parents must try to offer it at least three times a week, being four weekly portions the ideal amount.

This is undoubtedly a very useful and interesting program that probably finds an echo in other Autonomous Communities (if you have not already done so). And we must all become aware of the importance of a healthy and balanced diet.

Video: The science of milk - Jonathan J. O'Sullivan (July 2024).