Book: "Your child can be a genius of the mates" (or just have fun with them)

Sometimes everything that surrounds us that "promises" earlier and better "children" on any subject scares me a little, and how parents fall into that temptation and sometimes we even believe that our children are the best in everything. That's why I take with caution the promise of book "Your son can be a genius of the mates" and I hope you just have fun with them.

It is not that they are geniuses of the mates, but that they understand the numbers in a fun way, and do not panic with them, something that may cause rejection in the future. And in that, parents also have a lot to do with it, and many of us could use math to help them in whatever is necessary and convey a taste for that part of reality.

Mathematics surrounds us and can be very fun, and at different levels children learn math from an early age.

Doctors in Mathematical Sciences Juan Medina, from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), and Fernando Blasco, from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, have published the book addressed to parents "Your son can be a genius of the mates", in which they offer a guide for parents to help them teach math to their children.

A teaching with a method based on understanding, practice and motivation, points that as I said recently, perhaps does not create talent in our children, but it does help us to discover and enhance it ...

The book pursues that mathematics ceases to be a problem (how this sounds to me!) To become a source of satisfaction for children, so that they learn them with the right motivation, understanding each step and having fun away from the formulas.

Do not rush to the bookstores, because the guide covers the mathematical education studied in Primary (our Peques colleagues tell us and more), a stage in which 80% of parents help their children with this subject and in which is based on fundamental knowledge. Although maybe if you are "genetically" of letters you can start to familiarize yourself with the mates ...

With an accessible language and through anecdotes, references and activities, the book offers calculation, geometry or arithmetic practices that can be exercised in everyday situations and, something very important, since the game is the best way to learn, understand math playing cards or dominoes.

Sometimes I find it hard to understand how fractions, areas, powers or square roots ... can be fun, surely neither my parents nor my teachers had something similar available when I learned math.

The book to make the funny numbers "Your child can be a genius of the mates" It is edited by Planet in the Live Better Collection and costs 16'50 euros on paper or 11'99 euros in electronic format.

Video: Kids Book Read Aloud: DAVID GOES TO SCHOOL by David Shannon (July 2024).