In the UK everyone wants to have a baby, just like the Dukes of Cambridge

Can having a child be considered aspirational? Apparently, many British women see it that way and want to live the same experience at the same time as Kate Middleton, because in the UK, everyone wants to have a baby, just like the Dukes of Cambridge.

He babyboom It shot after the news that William and Kate were waiting for a baby. Sales of ovulation and fertility tests have increased by 60 percent since it was announced, the biggest rise in five years.

The manufacturers of these devices, such as Clearblue, did not give credit for such a rise and when analyzing it they realized that the determining factor had been the news of the pregnancy of the Dukes of Cambridge.

It is not the first time that British women wish to share in a certain way motherhood with royalty. Something similar happened when the news of Princess Diana's pregnancy was released in 1984.

It is believed that 60,000 British women will be short-term mothers, with which many more babies will be born in the United Kingdom during 2013, including of course, the new heir.

The truth is that there are those who feel very identified with public figures, and in fact can influence the birth of a country. Have you felt inspired by the pregnancy of a famous person to make the decision to be parents?

Video: A royal baby boy is born to William and Kate: BBC News Review (July 2024).