A high paternal cultural level favors an enriching environment for the child

The years of education and knowledge of parents are related to the way in which they have a stimulating environment for children, which in turn will contribute to more educated children in the future.

This is demonstrated by many studies conducted in this regard: parents with studies or concerns about training are more likely to perform activities that improve their children's cognitive abilities and school performance.

For example, in the domestic environment they will ensure that there are sufficient stimuli, such as leaving books within the reach of children and promoting reading in general, while at the same time producing a control over how long they may be in front of television. and the contents they see.

But not only the domestic environment is more conducive to the educational and cultural stimulation of the child. These parents often take their children more often to enriching activities such as museums, plays, concerts, libraries ...

They also care about the educational center where their children will study, and, although nowadays and in our environment you can rarely choose, it has been seen that sometimes some of these parents choose their place of residence based on the schools and dedicate financial resources to the extracurricular education of children.

In this sense, it is important that schools and authorities facilitate equality in the school context, since if all children have to be offered the same training opportunities, universal and free education is important.

That is why it is sad that in the current times we see how education becomes more expensive and the existence of scholarships falters so that, for example, a child from a family without resources can have school supplies or go to extracurricular activities, so enriching.

Because it is possible that in the houses of these children there are no books or museums on their own, but they should be able to do so in public libraries or with the school.

Other qualities that some studies show when parents have a high level of education is that their children have better school performance, greater self-esteem and social skills. All derived from that enriching and stimulating environment for children, hopefully it will reach more and more those children who have it harder ...

Video: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past (July 2024).