Learn in primary school watching videos of Blade Runner in music class

When I went to look for my daughter at school, I asked her, as I always do, how her day had gone and that I could summarize what I had done in each class. So I can see if she has paid attention and she is forced to make a small speech about what she has learned and practiced in class. Today there was a very interesting noveltyHe told me: "In music class we have seen a video of the man who has just died (Constantino Romero) and who dubbed movies. It was a movie that came out of a thing that was like robots and a detective who had to look for them. And in the end the bad robot saves the detective's life and releases a dove. Ah! and then he put the music of the film, of Vangelis ".

The first thing I did was think, How I like the music teacher! and the second was to ask him what he had understood of that scene and how they had seen it whether in the original version or in a dubbed version. He told me that he saw them both and that "the replicant when he releases the dove that is like his soul."

Blade Runner It is one of the masterpieces of Science Fiction cinema and was released in 1982. At that time I remember going to the cinema to see her, with four or five years more than my daughter has now and I also remember not having understood absolutely any. So I was very surprised to how digital natives perfectly understand languages ​​and styles from such an early age. Surely a lot has to do with the music teacher who has already taught them other very interesting things some time ago as the We are the robots from Kraftwerk.

This is the video of Rutger Hauer (with the dubbing of Constantino Romero) in which he says those phrases so enigmatic and that can be interpreted as that he has lived a full life and is proud of it even though it has reached its end. At least that is what I have understood now after my daughter has helped me to remember and understand what happened to the replicants and their revolution.

"I have seen things that you would not believe. Attacking ships in flames beyond Orion. I have seen C-rays shining in the darkness near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain. It is time to die".

And, as I said, the teacher is from the music subject so some music had to have the article. In this case, and taking advantage of the movie Blade Runner, illustrated the class, as my daughter tells me, with this music, that of Vangelis. Although I am not sure that this video was the melody, seen on the digital board, it has to be shocking for elementary school children.

Video: What I Learned about filmmaking From Watching: Blade Runner 1982 (July 2024).