Should homework be prohibited?

I often wonder, why do our children go to school eight hours a day if they have to do homework when they get home? What is the meaning of the duties?

The same has been asked a Galician father, who denounced the school of Isidro Parga Pondal, in the municipality of Oleiros Coruña, for the amount of homework they sent to his son. He got the teachers to stop doing it, and logically, this has caused the debate over whether duties should be prohibited or not.

A norm of the Department of Education of 1997 was adopted, which stipulates that children cannot be sent work home. It is a rule in current theory, but that in practice only applies if someone files a claim. That is, his thing is not to send duties, but we skip the rule and only enforce it if someone kicks.

Personally I am against homework. I think children spend enough time in school to get home and continue working. When do they play? When are they distracted? When do they unplug? It seems that homework is part of being a student, that it is implicit, as if it were a necessary complement to learn, when this is not the case at all. Do children learn more by doing homework at home? If so, something goes wrong.

What has surprised me is that parents of the school the child goes to are collecting signatures against the prohibition of homework, defending the right to freedom of teachers to do what they consider. And the right of children to be children? To spend their time in activities that provide them with other knowledge or experiences, to play, share with parents, with friends? No dads, you don't learn only in school.

What are homework for?

As they say, they are sent homework so that they get used to being responsible, to create a habit of study for when they are older. Are people more responsible in the future for having done homework in childhood? Do you really think that they will be better students in the university thanks to the pile of homework they did since they were little, or do you think it will depend more on the passion they put in the studio for being what they have chosen? I rather believe the latter.

It is also said that they serve to reinforce the contents that have been given in class, but I think that if they need to be reinforced it is because they have not been done well. Or put another way, maybe children should be motivated differently so that the contents are "reinforced" from scratch.

Nor do I understand the meaning of the duties when most of the time we end up doing the parents, or having to explain the statements because they are unable to interpret what they are asked.

I do not say it only because I am a mother of three and because of the number of evenings lost because of my duties, that too. They could be much better exploited and we would have saved a few dislikes. Because that is another issue: children come tired, there are days that do not feel like doing them and homework becomes a constant quarrel.

As a child I have suffered them, and the truth is that they have not contributed much to my life. Maybe that's why I got the thorn stuck. No, nobody has died for doing homework every afternoon, but that is not the point. I think we evolve if we review habits that maybe weren't as positive as we thought.

Should homework be prohibited?

On the question that motivated the post, I do not think they should be banned, but create study models where duties did not exist Because they didn't make sense.

I know that it is a topic that creates controversy, so thanks to the father who has decided to denounce the school for the amount of homework they sent to his son and has brought the issue to the fore, we have the opportunity to discuss it in the blog .

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Video: Should Homework Be Banned? - Behind the News (June 2024).