, directory of alternative pedagogy

Sometimes when it comes to schooling children many parents consider a different school. is a website with a directory of schools with innovative educational projects, Waldorf or Montessori free pedagogy schools existing throughout Spain.

Its name, "Ludus", refers to the term with which the school was known in ancient Rome, and that also meant 'training, fun or play' (hence "playful"). And this playful part is very important in these schools, as it should be in all. is an alternative pedagogy directory that includes any project that supposes an alternative to the “official” pedagogy, so there are very different options: free schools, Waldorf schools, associations dedicated to the study and dissemination, public schools that partly or totally adopt some of these pedagogies…

It also includes something that has caught my attention, "forest schools", and I did not know this concept that seems to be referred to outdoor children's schools where children can learn in their natural environment, where the medium is the medium and not a book, and children sapiens sapiens, something that most innovative schools are looking for.

In addition, for children who are not yet in school and their parents, information on parenting groups and day mothers is included, all distributed by provinces or areas (we can use a search engine).

In the web of each project to which they send us the information about their pedagogy, ideology, schedules, etc. appears, although they recommend that it is best to go to know these cabbages on-site, in one of its open days for example.

He alternative pedagogy directory to find “different” schools in Spain It is a personal project of Almudena García, freelance programmer and enthusiast of free education.

Official Site | On Babies and more | "The education system is anachronistic," documentary by Eduard Punset, are there alternatives to conventional school?

Video: Rhetoric. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).