The kids can build their own Surface (Microsoft) toy tablet

Although the tablet Microsoft Surface is making an interesting informative campaign to get a dent in Spanish homes with a very attractive and complete product, the truth is that kids can build their own tablet, with low technology, and a lot of creativity.

So at least the little one in the workshop for children He attended while the elders learned about the safety of children on the Internet. The design that can be seen in the image includes as a maximum technology a magnet that allows you to link the fun keyboard with the tablet that of course is held vertically from behind with that practical tab.

To make the keyboard they used some stickers in which they were including the typical characters that are on the keys and pasted them, in this case in an unusual way, to form this important peripheral that facilitates the writing on the screen.

For the screen they used a folio in which they drew the typical boxes used in the operating system of the Surface and here the imagination could overflow with applications and functionalities known, desired and imagined. The final finish is a transparent plastic that sticks to protect the folio stuck in the black cardboard that supports the tablet.

I think it is a very entertaining exercise and it can also be used to develop new capabilities and uses of these devices that are undoubtedly full of recreational and educational possibilities for children.

Again to thank Toads and Princesses and Microsoft for the great organization and for allowing the children to have a great time building these tablets before watching Justin's movie and the Sword of Valor.

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Video: Building the DIY Tablet PC - Kano Computer Kit Touch Showcase (July 2024).