Are they bananas or are they ghosts? They are simply the dessert of your Halloween dinner

Now we are close to Halloween, and we have the decoration and the main course (who said he doesn't like mummies?); so let's go with dessert now, which reminds me a little of those frozen bananas covered with hot chocolate (a delight of contrasts).

So it is about bananas, and ghosts, but to help you solve this difficult riddle, I tell you that Angela (from Recetín), proposes some of these fruits turned into sweet ghosts thanks to chocolate (with milk and white) that it covers
Surely you are beginning to think mmmmmmm !, and even I can imagine the face of your children when they see them freshly prepared. Let's go with those bananas!


  • Bananas (The author recommends that they be ripe, I think they should not be passed so that they are not soft), white chocolate, milk chocolate, skewer sticks.

How they are made:

Be melt the chocolates separately (in different casseroles), and preferably to the 'María' bath so that they fall apart without sticking to the bottom, then the fruits are peeled and each one is strung on a skewer stick. When the chocolate is warm we can dip the bananas in one or the other and let them rest on a tray covered with vegetable paper.

We will get the decoration drawing monstrous eyes and mouths with another chocolate color to make contrast, and we will use toothpicks or fine brush to draw with precision.

Once the process is finished, and as they will be almost cold, we can cover them with more vegetable paper, or with kitchen film, before store them in the fridge so you can eat them cold. They will be delicious, although the question I have left is whether we can wait for those days left, or want to eat them tomorrow or the day after.

In Recetín they have more for us appropriate occasion recipes, the file is downloaded from here, and I've already seen a couple of them that I like for our special dinner.

Of course, I am forced to remember that the excesses (in this case of sweets) are not good, even if we are on Halloween night.

Video: Banana Pear Ghosts. Halloween Collaboration Video (July 2024).