Beware of the recommendations of the experts: "the emotional needs of children should never be frustrated"

If a few days ago we questioned the statements of Judge Calatayud, according to whom the scourges are not mistreatment, today we can only look back at the statements of the Canarian psychiatrist Javier de Loño. The specialist ensures that “You have to frustrate the children so that they don't create the navel of the world”.

This man believes that education should consist of "giving them two pats on the ass and two lumps of sugar"; so the parents who create it will be able to download their own frustrations (without solving the problems they have with their children), and the sugar cubes I imagine will be figured, because otherwise, some of the most basic nutritional principles are contradicted . As I know that if these statements had been dedicated to women, the elderly, or other groups, different social groups would have shouted in the sky, we will have to support childhood a little and protect it from experts who, instead of affection and empathy, recommend hard hands; that instead of "loading the inks" against a system that makes contact between parents and children difficult, they attack the latter.

Confirmed my suspicions about the lack of empathy that Doctor de Loño shows towards children, I remain ojiplática when allowed ensure that the frustration we must provide at two or three years (This is how they are prepared when the doors are closed at 21 in the working world, how things are going…). It also points out the lack of limits or that children sleep with parents, as possible causes of mental disorders, or “inappropriate” behaviors during childhood.

As we get, we could bring this great article by Yolanda González (which has come to me from the hand of my friend Rosana just when I'm writing this). This child prevention psychologist tells us that "Never" must frustrate the emotional needs of children, and also that many of the recommendations that parents receive, "dynamit" our scarce common sense.

Only a sensitive and empathetic response to your primary needs guarantees a healthy psycho-affective development

If the experts would like us and our children well, they would not confuse the frustration of cultural needs (buy what the child wants) with the one that has to do with emotional needs (hugs, take them, sleep with them, etc). And they would tell us: “Beware of the society that encourages the excessive consumption of sweets, which allows inappropriate content on television; and watch out for fierce consumerism. ” The rest ?, is allowed (empathy without limit, respect for basic needs as a necessary ingredient, love in unlimited quantities, etc). In this way, children will have more self-esteem and “will tread hard for life”

Unless it is clear that our children's self-esteem is not of interest, or that it is preferred that their will be bent

Do we take parents as fools or incapable? Do they believe that our children are not able to understand without violence? Do they avoid that physical punishment can have negative consequences on the future life of today's children? I say this because medical events that debate on the mental health of the little ones are becoming fashionable, and sometimes it seems that they do not look for their well-being. Proof of this is one of the most recent disorders (invented), the DMDD (acronym similar to those of a synthetic drug).

In line with the next Atlantic Mental Health Conference, in which Dr. Loño participates, sometimes It is a little scary that adults get together to discuss children's behavior, alleged disorders, and to decide on solutions. Because the solutions do not rarely go through medications, iron control to children, advice to parents to discipline (so it will be easier to build submissive citizens) to children, and therapies that do not focus on the solutions, but on the supposed “ evil ”of children.

Someone should really protect children so that no one forces them to adapt - while they are - to a sick, violent and unnatural world. Someone should think that what we need parents, teachers, educators and child health professionals, is that we are taught to treat human beings delicately, which are very vulnerable and sensitive to our actions.

Video: Education reform: Beware of experts. IN 60 SECONDS (July 2024).