Enjoy autumn with the kids

Every season of the year has something special to be enjoyed, and fall is no exception.

It is one of the most grateful times of the year, the days are not so cold and nature gives us a lot of experiences to share with children, so not to lock yourself up and enjoy autumn with the kids. The cold of winter has not yet arrived, so autumn days are ideal for outdoor walks, hiking in the forest, hiking or cycling in the countryside.

A fun activity to do with children is to collect autumn fruits. Teach them how chestnuts are, how acorns, pineapples, a thousand and one shapes and colors of tree leaves fall….

Collect a little of everything and take it home to make crafts during the fall. If you are experts in the field, you can also catch mushrooms with the kids.

Another advantage of autumn is the rain. Children love to play in the rain, and whenever they are well prepared, why not let them enjoy such a fun experience?

Well-dressed, with raincoat, umbrella and rain boots are ready to go to sing in the rain and step on puddles (as Peppa Pig likes so much).

You don't have to go far to enjoy autumn with the kids. Look for a nearby mountain, a forest or simply an urban park and you will enjoy good family moments.

Video: I Know It's Autumn, Eileen Spinelli Author (July 2024).