Caramel tenderloin with spiced pumpkin cream. Christmas recipes for pregnant women

This recipe is simple but has a very good presence and is great for serving a family gathering in which the food is based on Snacking, or even to serve as an appetizer. And the caramel tenderloins with spicy pumpkin cream will please everyone.

Actually you have to make two preparations, both simple, yes. On the one hand, preparing a pumpkin cream with spices, which, as it will be left over, will be great for a hot plate as a comforting dinner. On the other, some sirloin medallions that we are going to finish off with a touch of salted caramel and that will surprise you.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • For the pumpkin cream: A 1 kg pumpkin, 10 or 12 cardamom seeds, or 4 star anise stars, 100 ml of liquid cream, salt to taste
  • For the tenderloins: A pork tenderloin, extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon of sugar and a few crystals of Maldon salt

How to make caramel tenderloin with spiced pumpkin cream

To make the sirloin, we cut the two ends that we will keep for another preparation and brown the central cylinder, in a pan almost without oile, on a very high heat for about three or four minutes. Once very golden, we cut the medallions that will be somewhat raw inside, so we will cook them well.

With the pan still hot we lower the heat and we put the medallions to brown. When we turn them around, we put some granites of sugar on the toasted face. After a minute we turn them over and let the sugar caramelize slightly forming golden crystals on the surface. We topped with some Maldon salt flakes.

Before, we will have prepared the pumpkin cream as follows. Peel and chop the pumpkin by removing the seeds and wrap four or five pieces in aluminum foil. In each package we put 4 cardamom seeds and / or an anise star. We bake it for 1 hour at 175º.

After that time, remove the seeds and crush the pumpkin with the cream and try to rectify salt. It has to be a very fine cream and full of flavor with the roasted pumpkin and light spices that we have also helped in digestion.

Processing time | One hour for the cream and five minutes for the tenderloins Difficulty | Easy


These caramel tenderloin with spiced pumpkin cream They are delicious freshly made. The curious crunch of the thin layer of caramel and the contrast of the salty crystals will surprise you. The fine cream is an excellent accompaniment, you will see how much you like it.

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