The new nannies: warn about the risk of using smartphones in babies and children

It was expected to happen. Smartphones and tablets have taken children's attention away from the TV screen to share it with smaller screens. Just as years ago he warned about the risks of television becoming a babysitter for children, now pediatricians warn about the risk of using smartphones and tablets in babies and children.

They warn about the risk of these devices becoming the new nannies of our children, but as with television, I don't think it should be restricted, but to set rules of use and control them.

The Japanese Association of Pediatrics has launched a campaign to restrict the prolonged use of smartphones and tablets as toys for babies and young children, as it poses a risk to their development.

They plan to put up posters in pediatric clinics that say: "Don't let smartphones be a babysitter of your children." It is believed that it alters the healthy development of children's senses, generates more passive children and lacks physical contact and interaction with other people.

New technologies are part of his life, but there is also much more

With the smartphone it is much more comfortable than with the TV. It is not necessary to be at home for the child to be entertained in front of a screen, now we carry the screen in our pocket and we offer it in a restaurant, in the car, anywhere. We download the application they like best (some control so well that they do it themselves) and keep themselves entertained for a long time.

Using them is not a bad thing, there are applications of the most entertaining and even educational, but of course, that you should not replace playtime with children or reading a book. It is not the same that the iPad read a story before bed to do it mom or dad. That should not be missed.

I think that preventing them from accessing new technologies is not the way. Today, they are part of life and as Miguel Angel Uriondo thinks, not allowing children to approach technology is to go against their nature.

Too many hours stuck to the mobile or tablet is detrimental to its development, such as being stuck all day on the TV or in the hammock watching the dolls turn. Childhood is time to explore, discover, live different experiences, go out to play, share time with parents, with friends ... In short, we must offer them a world of different possibilities, including new technologies.

Neither TV, nor new technologies, nor toys. The only babysitters of the children should be the parents.

Video: 'Screens are Poison': Tech Elites Keeping Devices Out of Their Children's Schools (July 2024).