Images of pediatric hospitals specially set for children

Exterior of the Sanford Clinic in Duncan

A children's hospital is not a place that we should like, much less parents of children that on some occasion they have been admitted, or they will be. Imagine that one of my little ones had to spend time in a hospital bed while they do tests to find out what is wrong with him, it is an idea that I prefer to banish from my mind. Boxes at the Royal Hospital in London None of us want our children to be very ill, but sometimes it happens and their beds at home are empty for a few days. Meanwhile shifts to take care of them, lots of love and count the days to be discharged.

Magnetic Resonance at Texas Children's Hospital

The pediatric hospital staff knows about the vulnerability of their patients, they know the needs of the children perfectly, and they know how to treat them with love and delicacy, but of course, the deal is not everything, so it is normal to observe rooms with children's posters, waiting rooms with little houses for the little ones and consoles for the biggest. It is in order to accompany the stay a bit with a proper setting.

Reception at the Royal Children Hospital in Melbourne

The images that illustrate this post are from different hospitals that have put A lot of dedication in adapting the different spaces so that children feel very comfortable, but they have not limited themselves to hanging stuffed animals, nor to the health personnel wearing funny patterned gowns.

They are just examples, because I am sure there are many more in the world, and it is possible until one of you can tell me that you know a children's hospital with dreamlike decorations. Royal Children Hospital (in Melbourne), Texas Pediatric Hospital, Sanford Hospital (in Sioux Falls / South Dakota),…

Castle-shaped facades, boxes with painted panels simulating a city, corridors full of divers, Even the machine that makes Magnetic Resonances! What are they pretty?