It is recommended to take care of sleep hygiene in children to prevent psychotic experiences

"Depending on the frequency of nightmares before 12 years of age, Children may be more likely to have psychotic experiences during adolescence" It is a statement that arises from the study conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Warwick, and published in the specialized journal Sleep.

So far, I have considered nightmares as a part of children's development during sleep, except that they occur with an abnormal frequency or associated physical symptoms. They occur during the second half of sleep (during the REM phase), and when we experience them we usually wake up suddenly with feelings of fear or worry, to which to add palpitations. It seems that the terrors of sleep, nightmares are different, and also in their appearance (they are not associated with REM, but with the cycles of deep sleep); In these cases the body reaction is more severe, including the person sitting upright, and agitation of the limbs. In these cases the next morning nothing is remembered.

Professor Dieter Wolke states that three out of four children experience nightmares at these ages (before age 12), but insists that when they appear for a prolonged period, or episodes of night terror persist in early adolescence, could be indicators of situations harmful to mental health in later life.

A group of participants has been evaluated a total of six times between two and nine years. The probability of experiencing psychotic experiences in early adolescence increased with the incidence of nightmares when they are younger.

The research is of the longitudinal type, and when the children turned 12, the nightmares, night terrors or sleepwalking they suffered were assessed; in addition to psychotic experiences such as delusions, hallucinations and interference in thinking, which occurred in the previous six months

Dr. Helen Fisher, of King's College London, advises maintaining a lifestyle aimed at promoting sleep hygiene, creating an environment that allows a better quality in your dream. Diet also plays a fundamental role.This way you should avoid sugary drinks before sleeping, and eliminate stimuli in the room such as television, video games or other screens.

This study is considered important to promote the early identification of signs of mental illness.

Video: When mental illness enters the family. Dr. Lloyd Sederer. TEDxAlbany (April 2024).