The Skylanders return with new characters to live exciting adventures

In the universe Skylanders There is no truce and now it arrives Fryno, characterized by its bad mood, which will help to live new and intense adventures in one of the most attractive video games for children. Apparently, a long time ago Fryno was a member of the famous Biker Brigade in Llamas and he spent much of his youth traveling through Skylands with the rest of his group. However, what Fryno did not know was that while enjoying a life of freedom and adventure, his travel companions committed robberies wherever they passed. When Fryno discovered that all this time he had traveled with a bunch of villains, he became so angry that he ended up burning with rage, and asked them to fix all the damage they had done.

From this epic fight Fryno emerged victorious and meant the end for the Biker Brigade in Flames. And after his disappearance, Fryno prepared to return the loot that his former companions had stolen. When he was carrying out this task, he met the Master Eon, who was so impressed by his good character and fighting skills, that he encouraged him to be part of the new team of the Skylanders. With this background and these possibilities, who can resist meeting Fryno?

We remember that the latest version of Skylanders is SWAP Force and that for generations they have been responsible for protecting the volcano responsible for the magic of Skylands. The problem is that one day they were caught in an epic battle that, followed by a terrible eruption, divided his body into two. In addition, they were sent to Earth, although with the possibility of combining their bodies and powers. Only the Portal Masters You can mix and match them to help them save Skylands.

To learn more about Fryno they have left us a video in which you can see him doing therapy before his therapist until something amazing happens on the couch:

The magical world of Skylanders It has conquered the imagination of children, parents and video game analysts alike throughout the world. Is a videogame that combines physical toys with the virtual world and allows children to play with their heroes both on and off the screen.

At home we are very fans of their adventures, video games, characters and how they know how to generate leisure spaces to promote the video game with the Skylanders as protagonists. We are sure that the year 2014 will bring us a lot of news and we will be happy to tell you here. If you want to know more about the Skylanders, we have a label to follow your adventures that we have since 2011 thanks to how well they treat us in Activision.

More information | Skylanders More information | Skylanders on Facebook In Peques and More | Skylanders

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