Ed Emberley's books with which children can learn to draw

I think I have not told you about some books of which I am an absolute fan: Ed Emberley's books with which children can learn to draw.

Ed Emberley is a Massachusetts-born illustrator who believes that everyone can learn to draw, that's why he started with the little ones creating spectacular books to get their creativity going.

For the little ones, it has a book that teaches them to create characters, animals and objects from fingerprints. For those who already know how to take the pencil and master the line, it has books in which it teaches a multitude of series in which drawing, thanks to the sum of new forms, is becoming meaningful.

Teach children to see the drawing in a different way, to find shapes within the drawings and to discover that by joining shapes and strokes, infinite things can be created.

There are books of animals, objects, characters, faces, monsters, means of transport, etc. The book collection is very complete and you can buy it through Amazon at very reasonable prices.

He world Ed Emberley It is very wide. Many examples of his drawings can be found on the internet in case you want to try the step by step with the kids before buying a book. Of course, there is also an iPhone and iPad application for the little ones and the official site of the artist.

I think they are beautiful books, ideal to have a good time drawing with our children, do you know them?

Photos | Tim Pierce (Flickr CC) and The pioneer woman Official site | Ed emberley