Moms bloggers: Nerea, author of the blog peinetapintxosymimonillo, visits us

There is less and less for Mother's Day to arrive and following the initiative we started a few days ago with the Special Moms bloggers Today we are going to interview another great mom.

His name is Nerea, although it is known by different nicks of the world 2.0 as Comb, Peini, pintxeta, comb or mother of the monillo. He thinks he is 35 years old and that next September he will turn 36, and he says he believes because at 30 he stopped counting them. He has a beautiful child known to his followers as monillo and a future princess, for the moment nicknamed Kinder egg, that he is giving a rough pregnancy to his mother and that if everything goes well it will be born in September. Will there be a double celebration next September? Stay tuned for your twitter.

Translator and interpreter profession for studies but secretary-receptionist for survival, mother when he is able and maruja Well, after a while. Blogger in his hidden life of a blog that next May first will turn two years old.

Single by conviction and little enthusiasm of my partner and because today I do not finish seeing the advantages. We have no pet because I am allergic to most. I hate injustice, in this country there is too much lately. I can't with artichokes and sardines. I am addicted to ham, squid, friends, Granada, Madridtxikito and the Spanish series. Dixit comb

We start with the interview

What led you to catch a day and open a blog?

The fact of going through a real nightmare to be able to choose school for my son. I thought it was almost a master's degree and I got so angry with society that it was not for the work of letting those incumbents go unpunished that would read type "the parents of Barcelona have been able to choose school this year". Yes to that we add that at that time I was very addicted to blogs such as "Desmadreando", "My gremlin does not eat me", "This is for one who wants it that way" and a few more of the style, that is to say those who they took with humor the arduous task of being mothers and fathers, where he commented with joy and closeness. Well, encouraged by these three I threw myself into the void and I still remember the messages of encouragement from that Mexican girl to whom I have the greatest of affection today.

What has the blog contributed to peinetapintxosymonillo?

Very much, too much, for the time being, as the father of my son says, a parallel life, where everything is as real as life itself and which in his words is a sect, the blogger sect. Personally it was a breath of fresh air to my stagnant work life, it made my day to day have something where I did something that really filled me and made me feel as I am, that is, a boiling pot. It has brought me to meet wonderful people whom I love with madness, to establish special ties with people with whom you share a known world. It has made me live unique and emotionally hard moments, but no matter how much I think or I have the feeling that only the people of 2.0 can get to understand it. In short, if I had to put it on a scale, it is so positive that I think it is one of those good things that have happened to me in life. Of course, it took me a while to know how to rationalize it, because that also has its own thing, is to know how to give it its place in your life and daily routine, at the beginning it was complicated now I think I start to live with it, although the anonymity begins to Pass me a certain bill.

But undoubtedly the most valuable thing that the blog has brought me, is that moment of being able to write or give free rein to my madness and see that there are anonymous people that you don't know but have been reading, enjoying, laughing or crying with you and Above all, commenting on you and making you feel that reading to you is something fun, I always say that for me, my reader is my best brand.

I am not very given to give maternity advice on my own blog since every pregnancy is a world.

Those of us who follow your adventures and misadventures through social networks, we know that you are pregnant again (congratulations) but that you are not getting along as well as you would expect. Have social networks helped you cope with everything better or maybe so much information is making you more dizzy from your account?

I inform that since the last visit to the doctor and the change of treatment the thing has begun to improve considerably and less badly, that I saw a premature eviction of the kinder egg because of his mother's discomfort. To see the social networks in my case help, because I am very active on twitter and share and feel the warmth of those people with whom you share your concerns every day and to say otherwise would be to deceive me. But it is true that at the level of information for reasons of a disease that we suffer in the family, it is not usually read much. I explain myself, I find it useful to know the experience of people in their blogs and read their remedies or ways to deal with the bumps of pregnancy but on a more medical level I prefer to treat it in person with the specialist. On the internet too much information is handled and as you say sometimes tide ... maybe that's why I am not very given to give maternity advice on my own blog since every pregnancy is a world.

What things are you going to do in this pregnancy that you could not do in the previous one, which ones you do not plan to repeat and what others you will repeat?

In the first pregnancy I did many things that I can't do now, unfortunately it was much better than this. I do not plan to repeat the preparatory classes or not at least where I did them in the first one, it did not give me much. I will not repeat gynecologist, this time I am determined to live something a little different or at least be more aware and take part in the process, although I see it complicated. I would repeat my vitality, which I don't have now, my physical state that I don't have, and my pool sessions, which crazy pregnant giving everything. I will repeat not being clear about the creature's name until very close to the date and calling him in not very normal ways. I would have liked not to repeat a chorial biopsy, I would have liked not to repeat the burning. I would not repeat being without eating ham for so many months, this time I will try to freeze. This time I will not repeat letting everyone think about everything and especially about pregnancy or the creature, we are generally very opinion, I first. And of course I would not repeat, neither the contractions, nor the childbirth nor the painful and traumatic loss of my beloved pelvic floor. Of course, I hope to repeat the same flip-flop face when they put it in front of me and see their big eyes looking at me with a face more amazed than me.

You are a blogger mom with less hair on the tongue I know. How does that get along in a world where almost everyone hides behind a virtual identity?

I would not know very well that I answer you, I think I get along well, that I am clear as I am, as I have been from the beginning and according to some of my partner, that is precisely my hallmark. I have also imposed a virtual identity with the mere fact of keeping my anonymity and that of my family, but only in the name, I have not invented any character. My blog is based on real events with some touch of comb exaggeration. After two years I try to do my best, but I will not deny that there are many moments when being so direct, sincere and visceral has not come at all well, but I have a hard time fighting with myself, I am as I am and who likes it well and who will not always have the "unfolow". But if I am sincere, I believe that motherhood is a complicated enough world to decorate. Perhaps the most risky part of my blogging existence is that I have not given up talking about many other things without any fault, from politics, feelings of a couple, the demands of the country or everything that surrounds my daily life. I have not limited myself to it, and that then has its good parts and its bad parts, but all of them are part of me and for now I will not give them up.

What would the binomial, ideal working mother-woman be like for you? Is it possible to combine the two and be happy?

UFFFF, what you ask me is what answers the famous word CONCILIATION that in this country our country is not exactly on track. For me, the perfect thing would be to work on something I would like to do, with a schedule like that from 9 to 15, that is to say a half day that would allow me to take my children to school and save and enjoy them in the afternoon. For that, in this country there should be places for public or private childcare centers at a reasonable price, because with the salaries that we handle, we will simply work to cover the guard and custody hours of our churumbeles. And since we are a little longer maternity leave. But come on, if that binomial were possible with time-money-quality, I would be the happiest woman in the world and of course the birth of this country I think would increase.

Thank you very much Nerea for being so kind in responding to the interview and sharing it with everyone in the Special Moms bloggers on the occasion of Mother's Day.

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