What are the best toys for kids to play the summer of 2014

He summer It is one of the favorite times for kids to play. The good temperatures and free time They favor outside play, in company and developing maximum creativity. Manufacturers know the needs well and that is why the Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers (AEFJ) has organized, for the third consecutive year, the contest The Best Summer Toy to reward the most suitable toys. Of the 30 candidate toys, manufactured by nine of the most important toy companies in Spain, the best toys in each of the six game categories have been chosen by a panel of experts.

And not only the jury, 16,000 social media users who voted on the page of Give the Game Time Your favorite toy among all the candidates. The winning toys are:

  • Best Summer Toy Award by popular vote: Feber Water Swing of the famous toy maker (in the image that illustrates the article)
  • Best Summer Toy Award in the Games and Construction Toys category: Miniland Educational Bloks Super
  • Best Summer Toy Award in the category of dolls and accessories: New figures of Barriguitas from Famosa
  • Best Summer Toy Award in the outdoor and vehicle category: Comansi's Sunken Treasure
  • Best Summer Toy Award in the category imitation home and environment: Bizak ice cream
  • Best Summer Toy Award in the early childhood category: Casa Parlanchina Laugh and Learn
  • Best Summer Toy Award in the action figures category: Playmobil Crystal Castle

In this edition the jury of the awards has been carefully selected, with experts in the world of pedagogy as members of the Children's Game Observatory, Jose Luis Linaza, Petra María Perez, Andrés Payá and Xavier Bringué. Also the director of pedagogy and product of AIJU, Maria Costa, Children's media professionals as the director of the magazine Crecer Feliz, Elena Siegrist, design specialists such as the UPV design professor Gabriel Songel, and the bloggers specializing in childhood Mónica de la Fuente (Madresfera), María Jose Cayuela (Toys and ideas, and Baby Fashion) and Beatriz Abellán (Painting a mother). The jury has valued, not only the characteristics of each toy, but also its pedagogical potential and its playability. In the image you can see the winners with the jury:

The companies that have presented their toys to the contest: Bizak, Comansi, Famosa, Hasbro, Lego, Mattel, Miniland, Playmobil and Schleich Iberia have presented their most innovative bets to play this summer of 2014 combining traditional game with technology. And José Antonio Pastor, president of AEFJ, explained that actions of this type are necessary to publicize the work of the sector. Toys are important for the development of the little ones and they need to be in contact with them throughout the year.

We congratulate the AEFJ for the initiative, the third one already, and we agree that summer is one of the best times of the year to play, so we thank the manufacturers for their effort to get the children Best Summer Toys.

Video: Top Ten Toys of SUMMER! (July 2024).