The first disposable and biodegradable pregnancy test is created in the United States

Every day we see more advances in technology that help the creation of new products that make people's lives easier. Lately, interest has also grown in manufacturing products that, in addition to being practical, are more environmentally friendly.

Two American women have created the first disposable and totally biodegradable pregnancy test, which will soon be for sale in the American country.

Bethany Edwards and Anna Couturier Simpson are two graduates of the University of Pennsylvania, who created together Lia, a disposable and biodegradable pregnancy test, while studying product design.

In an interview for Moneyish, Bethany commented that his original idea was to create products that were sustainable, when they realized that on the issue of pregnancy test, there was not much progress in recent years and other friends told them about the various problems they encountered when using them.

"We heard everything from women who hid their pregnancy tests in the trash or were tested in toilets in public places, to women who were struggling to have children and then had to see the negative test in their trash cans. It just wasn't a good solution for women."says Bethany.

With that idea in mind, they started working two years ago on a new pregnancy test, made of a material similar to that used for toilet paper, but that resists liquids long enough to reveal the result.

His pregnancy test, Lia, will work in the same way as the traditional ones: identifying the pregnancy hormone. The idea is that each woman is the total owner of the result, discreetly and privately, then eliminating the test throwing it in the toilet, where it will disintegrate in its entirety.

Affirm that the test is 99% effective and this new pregnancy test, which is environmentally friendly, is expected to be available in stores and pharmacies in the United States in mid-2018.

Video: Green Diaper Showdown! Best Natural Diaper Test (July 2024).