Before being a mother I felt terrified, but now I see that it has not gone so badly either

Having children is probably the biggest, unpredictable, challenging and at the same time wonderful and very satisfying adventure we can live. It is undoubtedly an experience that not only makes us develop talents or skills that we did not know we had, but that it also helps us grow as people.

But there is something I must confess to you today, and that is that I doubted a lot about my abilities. Before I was a mother, I felt terrified, but now I can realize that it didn't turn out so badly either.

I always knew that I would be a mother someday. Having children was something that has been in my plans since I was very young, and although it is not my only or the most important goal of my life, it is something I always wanted to do and live.

However, although my wishes to be a mother were present in my thinking for a long time, something also happened to me that perhaps some mothers may feel identified, especially the first ones: I was terrified.

In fact, some time ago I shared a reflection in which I talked about the mother that I thought I would be and the mother that I am, and in it one of the things I commented was that being a mother terrified me. Not because he didn't want to be, but because he had a thousand fears and doubts.

Yes, I wanted to have children, to live a pregnancy, to take care of a baby, to have all that illusion that one feels when waiting for a child and to think that the days go by quickly to get to know him. But the fear of the unknown and that experience he had never livedIt was what scared me.

He had no contact with children, even through a nephew, because he did not even have close relatives with young children. And personally I think that no book, blog or magazine really prepares you to be a mom. You can read, study, learn and have all the theory in your hands, but in practice things can be very different.

But finally, now that my daughter is four years old, I have managed to understand a little how this maternity issue works. With this I don't mean to be an expert, come on, I haven't been a mother for five years, but Over time I have been learning some things.

I learned, for example, that while it is true that you are never really ready to have children, when the time comes your gut comes out and it helps you a lot to know what to do or how to react to certain situations.

I learned - and understood - that I can't control everything and that learning to let go is something necessary when you are a mother. One of the phrases I like to say about having children is this: life with young children is unpredictable. Every day is a new adventure, a new experience.

I also learned that while we as parents are in charge of guiding our children, they are also the ones who will teach us to see the world through their eyes, they will fill us with new emotions and They will take us by the hand, giving us many life lessons.

I learned to rely more on myself and my ability to mother. I discovered skills that I did not know I had and that were developing naturally according to my daughter's needs, and also to attend to mine, such as managing the days to have time for me too.

And I also learned that although it seems that some have everything under control, we are really all newbies at some point and we learn on the go. There is nothing written in motherhood, nor in life. And if there is something that is true, it is that there is no perfect mother, and we all do the best we can.

Of course, motherhood brought me new and greater fears that I didn't have before. But today I realize that despite feeling terrified before being a mother, things have not gone so bad and in the end everything flows.

Photos | Pexels
In Babies and more | The mother I thought I would be and the mother I am, My best 21 moments as a mother, Seven things that excite you when you are a mother and there are no words to explain them

Video: 'I'm Terrified My 9-Year-Old Daughter WIll Either End Up Killing Herself - Or Someone Else.' (July 2024).