Boys look more at objects and girls look at people

"The children they start thinking before learning to speak. They already understand things about the world that do not have to be developed with the word, "explains Gergely Csibra, professor of cognitive psychology at Birkberck College at the University of London. She has been practically her entire career trying to understand the minds of babies. He was fortunate to have him this week in Spain, where he has attended the Science Museum of the La Caixa de Alcobendas Foundation and there he explained the latest conclusions of his research.

His works focus on understanding the development of the mind of babies under two years of age through visual processes. That is, they are trying to explain how it can be that babies as young as six months old are able to recognize the different expressions on faces of the people around them, especially those of their mother. They distinguish emotions from facial gestures and also respond by making faces according to the gesture they see. This was demonstrated in a trial in which they showed babies less than six months old, different photographs of very similar monkeys, almost indistinguishable to adults, but that they recognized, to the point that when they saw the same photo many times , they got bored and turned their attention to the other side.

They continue to develop this ability, and at 9 months of age they are able to distinguish human faces and respond before them according to their expression.

Csibra also pointed out that although he does not believe in the existence of a different brain between man and woman, he has observed differences that he does not attribute to chance. Apparently, the Boys tend to pay more attention to objects, and girls to people. This researcher thinks that this has to be for some reason and they are trying to find out.

Via | The Country In Babies and more | In the United States they study the brain development of children through MRI In Babies and more | Babies understand more than we think