International Arms Parenting Week

"Within reach of your kisses". This emotional motto is chosen this year for the celebration of the International Arms Parenting Week. And it is so, so close, so close, that you don't have to wait to kiss us.

Carrying children in their arms is the ancestral and natural way of carrying our children, who, unlike those of other superior apes, are not born with the ability to grab or we with enough hair to do so. To be transported and fed the human puppies had to be carried in their arms at all hours and, when the textiles were invented, in sarongs and handkerchiefs of different types.

These baby carriers are widespread in all cultures and allowed the mother to take the child with her, feed him on demand and while doing his normal life. The child is at his height and sees what the mother does directly, which is extremely educational. Also, communication between them is permanent. And, of course, breastfeeding on demand is simple.

In any case, the use of the stroller or the cuckoo or the hammock should not be incompatible with a baby carrier that will help us to do tasks at home, unwind in the street with more freedom, and also, while our child eats and sleeps sticking to our body, the place where he is happiest. Its natural habitat

The International Arms Parenting Week, which is celebrated from September 21 to 27, encouraged in Spain by the Kangaroo Network, aims to bring to society this practice that has so many benefits for moms, babies and parents, that they can also take their baby and enjoy it much.

Video: Story of the day our son was placed into our arms - Gotcha Day- ADOPTION (July 2024).