Guide to the good use of the pacifier

Whether or not the baby will use a pacifier is a decision of the parents. Some are clear that they will never offer it to them, others watch their baby and then decide, while there are those who put the pacifier right after birth.

The pacifier is not bad or good, it all depends on how it is used. It has their advantages and disadvantages. In the case that you decide to use it with your little one, it is convenient to be clear about certain recommendations that I list below by way of Guide to the good use of the pacifier.

Is it necessary to use the pacifier?

Let us start from the basis that the pacifier is an artificial element created to replace the comfort that the baby finds when sucking the mother's breast. There are children who never use it, that is, it is not essential.

The reality is that although it was ideal, mom's breast may not always be available to calm the baby. There are children who need to suck a lot and for the mother it can be exhausting to offer the breast at all times. That is why many parents turn to the pacifier to satisfy that need. The English word for pacifier is very curious: Pacifier, which means to pacify, calm, reassure.

When to offer it for the first time?

Do not offer the pacifier at least during the first fifteen days of the baby's life and preferably not before the month, when breastfeeding is already established. Otherwise, sucking the pacifier differently to the breast may interfere with the proper activation of breastfeeding. When all goes well, the posture and suction are appropriate for milk production, the pacifier can now be offered. It is also true that probably after two months the baby will no longer accept the pacifier.

Avoid dependence

If we offer the baby's pacifier to any situation that causes anguish, we will inevitably end up creating a dependency. We will make it an irreplaceable item to calm your discomfort.

It is advisable to first identify the cause of the child's crying before putting the pacifier in his mouth as if it were a plug. If what you want is to eat, then tit or bottle; if uncomfortable, change the diaper; if it is cold, shelter it; If you want pampering, arms. Placing the pacifier is easy, but we don't solve the problem. We can use it to reassure the child that is hit, but as a complement to the comfort of caresses.

Only when necessary

The baby should not have the pacifier all day in the mouth as if it were part of his body. It is an article of comfort for specific moments.

If you fall asleep without a pacifier, better. Do not inevitably associate bedtime with the pacifier. There are children who with caresses and songs fall asleep to taste, without the need to suck. That does not mean that you should not use the pacifier to sleep when the baby needs it. In their favor, there are studies that show that babies who suck the pacifier while they sleep have a lower risk of sudden death syndrome.

Nor is it essential that the baby has the pacifier on while playing or walking. If it is an element of comfort and there is nothing to comfort, it makes no sense that the child has a nipple in his mouth all day. On the other hand, it can interfere with speech development. A baby who always has a covered mouth will naturally speak less.

Avoid teeth problems

Never smear it with sweet substances like honey, ice cream or others. Being in contact with the teeth can favor the appearance of tooth decay. With respect to its shape, anatomical pacifiers whose nipple adapts to the shape of the palate are preferable.

On whether it impairs the formation of dental arches, it must be said that not only the prolonged use of the pacifier beyond three years can do so. Also sucking your finger for many years, chewing food always on one side or eating a predominantly soft diet for a long time can also cause it.

Video: 8 Pacifier Do's & Don'ts. Baby Development (May 2024).