How is a pregnancy of sextillos through National Geographic

More than seven years ago, six sextuple babies were born in the US, specifically in Ohio, who arrived when a couple decided they were going to give a son or sister to their son Connor, who was then two years old. The event was news basically because this couple went from having a child, to having seven, with only one pregnancy involved.

National Geographic, which to date has made several documentaries about babies in the womb, all of them fabulous, also documented this case of six babies, taking an interest in the process and showing computer images of how could the life of the six fetuses be inside their mother's womb.

These are amazing images of the six babies looking for space where there is none and ultrasounds and stories of this American couple who had six babies, although they were recommended to reduce the number of embryos to minimize risks (no one dared to confirm that the pregnancy will end well). Years later, as we see in the video, the six children have a relatively good state of health (Although one of the children has autism), in what is another demonstration that sometimes the risk is rewarded.

Video | Dailymotion In Babies and more | Photo of sextuplets that caused a sensation on the internet, The parents of the most famous sextuplets in the world spend 52 diapers a day (and four hours to put them), In the womb, of National Geographic, online