"Einstein never memorized, learned by playing"

In a society in which extracurricular activities, homework, exams for obtaining academic degrees fill children and youth agendas, talking about playing can lead to thinking about wasting time. But many geniuses did not invest their hours in front of books, pedagogues know that and that is why the game is increasingly present in the classroom.

The problem perhaps is that sometimes we want children to spend too much time in the classrooms, not only during their own school hours but once the ordinary classes end. And we forget that the game is the best teacher for kids.

"Einstein never memorized, learned by playing" is an essay that ensures that playing is the same as learning, written by child psychology specialists Kathty Hirsh-Pasek and Roberta Michnick Golinfkoff.

In this book they expose their investigations in which they conclude that it is not about accumulating a lot of knowledge and that children learn as soon as possible all kinds of content and skills, especially those oriented to languages ​​(we have already talked about cartoons so fashion, for very young children, who mix English and Spanish), but also to music, chess, computers ...

It is not about learning as soon as possible in a "conventional" way in front of desks and books. Playing is much better for acquiring knowledge than memorizing. Many specialists in child development have reached the same conclusion: the game is the best method for children to learn.

The truth is that playing is learned from everything, playing has multiple benefits, hence the importance of responding to the first games of the baby, everything helps them to know more about their environment and their own abilities, learning to solve problems creatively, abilities math, reading skills, emotion management ... at different stages.

From here we can read the first chapter of the work, an introduction that will not leave you indifferent, that speaks of what "they sell us" so that our children "are more intelligent", of "hurrying to childhood" (when we want talk, walk, count, add ... before anyone else), the "cult of achievement and loss of childhood" ...

In addition to dismantling the myths that the accelerated learning industry and hyperstimulation fashions have spread, this book provides parents and educators a practical guide to teach complex concepts through smart, simple and emotional games.

We do not know if much space is left for free play, so important in the development of the child, and perhaps falling into the same "error" that is criticized, the book includes 40 exercises focused on the development of faculties for the child " enjoy preparing for tomorrow. "

Learning independently is possible, and the game is a great ally: "Einstein never memorized, learned by playing" teaches us the value of children's play as a transmitter of knowledge and sets foot on the ground to all those who thought that with "Baby Einstein", "Baby Brain", "Baby Genius", the intelligence bits for newborns or with the accelerated astrophysics course for babies, their children would be geniuses .

Video: Mean Tweets Hip Hop Edition (July 2024).