Entrepreneurial mothers: we explain that the organization is the key

There is a very important question to be able to set up your business or enterprise online and carry it forward successfully: the organization. Be clear that the Being able to organize is key to becoming an entrepreneurial mom and have your own online business.

Working from home is no less demanding than doing it in a third-party office or company. It is more. When we set up an online business, the main idea is to have more time for ourselves and our children. Can you really have your own demanding business having more time with your children?

The key to an entrepreneurial mother is the ability to organize

You have to know that it is vital for an entrepreneurial mother to organize very well so that the time we dedicate to work or home care is effective, and take advantage of it very well. If we are with our children it will be normal for them to interrupt us, but, as they grow up, they will understand that we need moments of maximum concentration in exchange for being able to give them moments of exclusive attention (and we must give them too).

An enemy of the organization For those of us who work at home is wasting time with distractions, like watching blogs and hanging out on Facebook, or being with a hundred pending things that we never finish.

You have to be mental, look for our most productive hours and concentrate on them, making lists with tools that help to schedule tasks in order of priority. There are even those who will make the most of using a timer to dedicate a predetermined time to each activity and then know that you can rest.

Plan our work day at home

Good advice is plan the day. Each person will do it differently and it is important to know our needs and obligations to do it correctly, especially when we are a mother who works at home.

For example, I work from home and I also educate at home. But I do it my way. Mornings are for the study and classes of the child. Then comes the house review. Lunchtime and nap time are sacred. Then, when the child goes to extracurriculars, I start prospecting and virtual relationships to get information, to get to work normally from eight to eleven at night. After dinner and watching a documentary with my son, I prepare classes the next day while he is already asleep.

Each person, of course, will have different obligations and different customs, but the key will always be the plan the time, with flexibility, but with some regularity to be able to reach everything.

I would advise you start, as I said, the day planning the tasks and the schedules. And the ideal is to complete the tasks one by one, not starting too many things but proposing objectives.

It is necessary to know, also, to reserve time for the same one, to have the house pleasantly tidy and, of course, to be one hundred percent with the children. Prioritize, know how to say no, keep an agenda and avoid the distractions of continuously open chat or mail are keys to a good organization for entrepreneurial moms They work online and from home.